Every day there are another hundred dogs in my inbox. Their pictures staring holes through my heart. I have gotten tougher as the years have gone by and know in my heart that many of them i have to say no to. Saying no is the worst part of being a rescuer. The past week has been especially tough. Every place i looked there was yet another senior Dane who was being thrown away by their owners. Not only is it something i dont understand but it is something that places that small space of hatred within my heart for those people who so carelessly throw away what i find so special.
How often does the size of a Dane take my breath anymore? Not many times. I can name the last time it happened. It was picking up Andrea Reynolds beautiful Rocket from the shelter. They brought him out and i said "Holy Hell" how will i ever ask this family new to the Dane world to take this GIANT BEAST home with them? It would take two trips this day to take both mother and son to the Reynolds home. And graciously the Reynold's did it. That Rocket....i see him now with his beautiful face and the look that claimed the heart of a gal named Andrea .... who i have come to love so much. May Rocket rest in the fields of green chasing those butterflies in large circles. He is a Dane i will never forget.
I had this same feeling yesterday. Amy sent the photos of this nice looking senior Fawn male named Scooby. Looking at his photos i thought he is a nice size. I as well became angry to a huge boiling point wondering about the owner who left their 7 yr old at a shelter. I looked at the photo some more.....thought for a second and told Amy....i am going to get him. I cannot sit here and let a 7 yr old die in a shelter. So i did......driving with some radio blaring...eating some McD's and smiling in my heart.
I walk into the shelter and the young man standing at the counter says after sizing me up...."Do you know how big this dog is"? And i said no but i would like too! And then there was Scooby. Taking my breath like the first Dane i ever saw.....like my Rocket..........like Phil Parrot's Apollo. And i thanked God for that feeling. It is like riding the roller coaster....the biggest tallest most loopy one........the size of this dog took my breath. I was quickly ticking in my mind.....looking at this massive fawn with the most perfect black mask. It was two minutes and he was leaning on me with such force i had to find a wall to back up to. I knew right then i was right to go and bring this boy to safety.
On the way home he made he way between the front seats and rested his head on my console. A sweet kiss to the hand that petted him. I smiled as i thought of him not paying any mind to the cats and other dogs roaming free at the shelter. I was taking him straight to Dr. Shaw for evaluation and shots. We got to the vets office where there was the usual chaos of dogs coming and going and he was seemingly unaffected as we sat and waited to see the vet. I knew from watching him stand at the shelter we were in some trouble with his legs and hips but i had high hopes the news would be good. I just knew it should be good because this is one super great dog!
The news was not good. Scooby has a spine, hip, and back leg problem. This is one surgery will not take away. It will only progress and become worse each day. Dr. Shaw was honest when he told me that Scooby would be a short timer. Scooby is not in pain......not yet but one day he will be. With prayer and good care Scooby will have 6-12 months before it is his time to leave this life. This beautiful Dane with such a short time left........do i cry...scream......???
I didnt. I sat down in the car with Scooby once more resting between my seats to come home. I am not going to scream....i am not going to cry..........i am going to love him. I am going to make sure he gains no weight, place him on the supplements that may help, walk him daily and keep him moving. And i am going to love him. This dog is such pure love already there is no choice.
Scooby is wonderful with kids but needs a home without them. He cannot have kids placing weight on his frame. One day he will hurt and this means the kids must be older and respectful of an aching Dane. So i ruled out kids under the age of 12. Scooby is BEAUTIFUL with other dogs and cats. So those are okay but he should not go to a home with puppies under the age of 2 as one day he will hurt and cannot be jumped on. Scooby needs someone dedicated and caring and i want the perfect family for him. I want the very best for the last 6-12 months of this boys life. And with the proper love and prayer..........WHO CAN SAY????
So i challenge all of you...........Find Scooby the perfect home. Someone who isnt afriad to love an old dog. Someone who will make each and every day he has left ones in which are filled with love and light. I want this to be the person Scooby chooses to meet at the Rainbow Bridge one day. I will accept no less than PERFECT for this massive beautiful boy! NOTHING LESS! And if there is nothing in which fits that bill........i will do this job. I am unemployed, struggling right now, and i already have five dogs....Scooby would make six......but he deserves the best of everything in life. I know i can do it.........but i know some place there is someone who can do better than making him 1/6th of their life. Scooby deserves far more.
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