As a child i have no memory without a furry friend at my side. Sooner was a black lab mix who my parents rescued before my birth. It became evident as i learned to walk and venture out on my own Sooner would never be far from me. Together we got into trouble crossing the fence line into a neighbors yard. The neighbor was neither fond of children nor dogs.
My parents did not believe in dogs sleeping within the house. This was something i desired greatly as a child, to have Sooner laying next to me in the dark of night. Each morning i would run outside and Sooner would greet me with sweet kisses and the happiest of tail wagging one could imagine.
There was a day i ran out and Sooner did not greet me. It would be years later that i found out she had been shot and killed by a neighbor whose trash cans she had violated during the night. It was then i knew somehow it was my job to protect those with no voice. It was my job to educate those who desired pets within their lives. Most of all it was my job to be the one who looks, stops, and works daily to save the lives of God's creatures.
It did turn into hurt birds, turtles, baby rabbits new from the nest, cats, dogs, and even the occassional guinea pig that the neighbor children wanted to drown. Each one of these creatures recieved the best of care and the most love a little girl had to offer. What more could one ask to be? I did not know then that rescue would become a majority part of my life.
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