As I near the birthday marked 42 I spend many of my hours listening more than talking. I hear my friends speaking of their investments, retirements, and their children going to college. I too have these things in common with my friends however there is a whole other side to what I do.
I called my Mother on Saturday to tell her that Girlfriend was spayed Friday and did not fare so well with recovery. Girlfriend is currently my foster Dane and everyone at our home has fallen madly in love with this senior bundle of worship. I went to pick Girlfriend up early Saturday morning and the vet required she stay on fluids for the remainder of the weekend at the vets office. I was visibly upset at the vet’s office letting the tears flow freely. I went to hold this poor sweet Dane who was so miserable. I too felt her misery.
I am driving home and screaming it out loud….I will not lose this Dane. The prayers pouring out to Girlfriend were immense from my mouth to the Lord’s ear. I kept saying Girlfriend is such a good girl; she deserves a chance to have someone love her for the rest of her life. Please see it fit to let her live. I am completely hysterical and past it somewhat when I call Amy. My voice was trying to be big and in moments I was to pieces. As always we talked through it and by the end of the conversation I was no longer crying but the pit of my stomach ached.
It was a long weekend waiting for a dreaded phone call. The vet’s office was only to call me if something went terribly wrong. At midnight on Sunday I went to bed feeling safe that Girlfriend had made it and all would be well. Sure enough a call from Tammy at Ideal Vet called to say Dr. John Shaw says Girlfriend is doing really well and can go home Monday afternoon. I have to be honest when I tell you that it felt as if a thousand pounds came rolling off my chest. I can breathe now.
So you see……..at 42 although I have investments, retirement plans, more importantly you need to see the greatest thing I have are investments of the heart. Many times people look into rescue and think how nice it would be to do this work. I have to say yes it is rewarding and very humbling but at the same time it is taxing beyond belief. We don’t just take these Danes in and find them a home. We take them in with every piece of love and light we have inside truly giving them our all.
My mother calls moments ago and asks if I get to pick Girlfriend up today. I tell her yes but she will have to be very still and very quiet for a few days. Mom says “Karen can you do that with all you have in your house going on”? I replied “Yes Mother, don’t you know I have a cape”? Mom simply laughs and says “I know you do Honey….I have always known”.